- 41008 - GRAYS REEF - 40 NM Southeast of Savannah, GA
- 41009 - CANAVERAL 20 NM East of Cape Canaveral, FL
- 41010 - CANAVERAL EAST - 120NM East of Cape Canaveral
- 41068 - Fort Pierce, FL (FTP)
- 41069 - Ponce de Leon Inlet, FL (PNC)
- 41070 - Ponce de Leon Inlet Waves (PNCWAVE)
- 41112 - Offshore Fernandina Beach, FL (132)
- 41113 - Cape Canaveral Nearshore, FL (143)
- 41114 - Fort Pierce, FL (134)
- 41117 - St. Augustine, FL (194)
- 42012 - ORANGE BEACH - 44 NM SE of Mobile, AL
- 42013 - C10 - WFS Central Buoy, 25m Isobath
- 42022 - C12 - WFS Central Buoy, 50m Isobath
- 42023 - C13 - WFS South Buoy, 50m Isobath
- 42026 - C22 - Loop Current Pressure Point Buoy, 70m Isobath
- 42036 - WEST TAMPA - 112 NM WNW of Tampa, FL
- 42040 - LUKE OFFSHORE TEST PLATFORM - 63 NM South of Dauphin Island, AL
- 42095 - Satan Shoal, FL (244)
- 42097 - Pulley Ridge, FL (226)
- 42098 - Egmont Channel Entrance, FL (214)
- 42099 - Offshore St. Petersburg, FL (144)
- APCF1 - Apalachicola, FL
- APXF1 - East Bay, Apalachicola Reserve, FL
- ARPF1 - APK - Aripeka, FL
- BBSF1 - BBCW10
- BKBF1 - I-295 Buckman Bridge, St Johns River, FL
- BKYF1 - Buoy Key, FL
- BLIF1 - Blount Island Command, St Johns River, FL
- BNKF1 - Butternut Key, FL
- BOBF1 - Bob Allen, FL
- BSCA1 - Bon Secour, AL
- BWSF1 - Blackwater Sound, FL
- CKYF1 - Cedar Key, FL
- CNBF1 - Cannon Bay, FL
- CWBF1 - Clearwater Beach, FL
- DILA1 - Dauphin Island, AL
- DKKF1 - Duck Key, FL
- DMSF1 - Dames Point, FL
- DPHA1 - Dauphin Island Sea Lab, AL
- EBEF1 - East Bay, FL
- EFLA1 - E Range Front Light Visibility, AL
- FMRF1 - Fort Myers, FL
- FRDF1 - Fernandina Beach, FL
- FRMA1 - Fort Morgan, AL
- GBTF1 - Garfield Bight, FL
- GDXM6 - Crooked Bayou, Grand Bay Reserve, MS
- GTXF1 - Pellicer Creek, Guana Tolomato Matanzas Reserve, FL
- HCEF1 - Highway Creek, FL
- JBYF1 - Joe Bay, FL
- JKYF1 - Johnson Key, FL
- JXUF1 - Jacksonville University, FL
- KBMG1 - Kings Bay MSF Pier, GA
- KIKT - Mississippi Canyon 474 / Na Kika FPU (BP)
- KVOA - Viosca Knoll 786 / Petronius (Chevron)
- KYWF1 - Key West, FL
- LBSF1 - Little Blackwater, FL
- LKWF1 - Lake Worth Pier, FL
- LMDF1 - Little Madeira, FL
- LONF1 - Long Key, FL
- LRKF1 - Little Rabbit Key, FL
- LSNF1 - Long Sound, FL
- LTJF1 - Little Jetties, St. Johns River, FL
- MBPA1 - Middle Bay Port, Mobile Bay, AL
- MCGA1 - Coast Guard Sector Mobile, AL
- MDKF1 - Middle Key, FL
- MTBF1 - Middle Tampa Bay, FL
- MUKF1 - Murray Key, FL
- MYPF1 - Mayport (Bar Pilots Dock), FL
- NFDF1 - Navy Fuel Depot, St Johns River, FL
- OBLA1 - Mobile State Docks, AL
- OPTF1 - Old Port Tampa, FL
- PACF1 - Panama City, FL
- PCBF1 - Panama City Beach, FL
- PCLF1 - Pensacola, FL
- PEGF1 - Port Everglades, FL
- PKYF1 - Peterson Key, FL
- PMAF1 - Port Manatee, FL
- PTOA1 - Pinto Island, AL
- RKXF1 - Upper Henderson Creek, Rookery Bay Reserve, FL
- SANF1 - Sand Key, FL
- SAPF1 - St. Petersburg, Tampa Bay, FL
- SAUF1 - St. Augustine, FL
- SAXG1 - Marsh Island, Sapelo Island Reserve, GA
- SIPF1 - Sebastian Inlet State Park North Jetty, FL
- SKCF1 - Sparkman Channel Entrance, FL
- SPGF1 - Settlement Point, GBI, Bahamas
- TBYF1 - Terrapin Bay, FL
- TCVF1 - Trout Cove, FL
- THRF1 - Thursday Point, FL
- TRDF1 - Trident Pier, FL
- TRRF1 - Taylor River, FL
- TSHF1 - East Bay Causeway, FL
- VAKF1 - Virginia Key, FL
- VCAF1 - Vaca Key, FL
- WKXA1 - Safe Harbor Met Station, Weeks Bay Reserve, AL
- WPLF1 - Watson Place, FL