NDBC/Northeast USA
- 44007 - PORTLAND - 12 NM Southeast of Portland,ME
- 44009 - DELAWARE BAY 26 NM Southeast of Cape May, NJ
- 44011 - GEORGES BANK 170 NM East of Hyannis, MA
- 44013 - BOSTON 16 NM East of Boston, MA
- 44014 - VIRGINIA BEACH 64 NM East of Virginia Beach, VA
- 44025 - LONG ISLAND - 30 NM South of Islip, NY
- 44027 - Jonesport, ME - 20 NM SE of Jonesport, ME
- 44029 - Buoy A01 - Massachusetts Bay
- 44030 - Buoy B01 - Western Maine Shelf
- 44032 - Buoy E01 - Central Maine Shelf
- 44033 - Buoy F01 - Penobscot Bay
- 44034 - Buoy I01 - Eastern Maine Shelf
- 44042 - Potomac, MD
- 44056 - Duck FRF, NC
- 44062 - Gooses Reef, MD
- 44063 - Annapolis, MD
- 44065 - New York Harbor Entrance - 15 NM SE of Breezy Point , NY
- 44072 - York Spit, VA
- 44073 - CO2 Gulf of Maine Buoy
- 44079 - OOI Pioneer - Mid-Atlantic Bight Northern Surface Mooring
- 44084 - Bethany Beach, DE (263)
- 44085 - Buzzards Bay, MA (260)
- 44086 - Nags Head, NC (243)
- 44088 - Virginia Beach Offshore, VA (171)
- 44089 - Wallops Island, VA (224)
- 44090 - Cape Cod Bay, MA (221)
- 44091 - Barnegat, NJ (209)
- 44097 - Block Island, RI (154)
- 44098 - Jeffrey's Ledge, NH (160)
- 44099 - Cape Henry, VA (147)
- 44100 - Duck FRF 26m, NC (430)
- ACYN4 - Atlantic City, NJ
- ALXN6 - Alexandria Bay, NY
- ANMN6 - Field Station, Hudson River Reserve, NY
- APAM2 - Annapolis, MD
- ATGM1 - Bar Harbor, ME
- BATN6 - The Battery, NY
- BDRN4 - Burlington, Delaware River, NJ
- BDSP1 - Bridesburg, PA
- BGXN3 - Greenland, Great Bay Reserve, NH
- BHBM3 - Boston, MA
- BISM2 - Bishops Head, MD
- BLTM2 - Baltimore, MD
- BLTM3 - Borden Flats Light at Fall River, MA
- BRHC3 - Bridgeport, CT
- BRND1 - Brandywine Shoal Light, DE
- BSLM2 - Jug Bay, Chesapeake Bay Reserve, MD
- BUZM3 - Buzzards Bay, MA
- BZBM3 - Woods Hole, MA
- CAMM2 - Cambridge, MD
- CASM1 - Portland, ME
- CAVN6 - Cape Vincent
- CFWM1 - 8411060 - Cutler Farris Wharf, ME
- CHBV2 - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, VA
- CHCM2 - Chesapeake City, MD
- CHTM3 - Chatham, MA
- CHYV2 - Cape Henry, VA
- CMAN4 - Cape May, NJ
- COVM2 - Cove Point LNG Pier, MD
- CPTR1 - Conimicut Light, RI
- CPVM2 - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Visibility, MD
- CRYV2 - South Craney Island, VA
- DELD1 - Delaware City, DE
- DOMV2 - Dominion Terminal Associates, VA
- DRSD1 - Saint Jones River, Delaware Reserve, DE
- DUKN7 - 8651370 - Duck Pier, NC
- FOXR1 - Providence, RI
- FRVM3 - Fall River, MA
- FRXM3 - Fall River Visibility, MA
- FSKM2 - Francis Scott Key Bridge, MD
- IOSN3 - Isle of Shoals, NH
- JCRN4 - Nacote Creek, Jacques Cousteau Reserve, NJ
- KPTN6 - Kings Point, NY
- KPTV2 - Kiptopeke, VA
- LWSD1 - Lewes, DE
- LWTV2 - Lewisetta, VA
- MDRM1 - Mt. Desert Rock, ME
- MHRN6 - Mariners Harbor, NY
- MISM1 - Matinicus Rock, ME
- MNPV2 - Money Point, VA
- MRCP1 - Marcus Hook, PA
- MTKN6 - Montauk, NY
- NAXR1 - Potters Cove, Narragansett Bay Reserve, RI
- NBGM3 - New Bedford, Barrier Gate, MA
- NBLP1 - Newbold, PA
- NCDV2 - Dahlgren, VA
- NLHC3 - New London, CT
- NPXN6 - Norrie Point, Hudson River Reserve, NY
- NTKM3 - Nantucket Island, MA
- NWHC3 - New Haven, CT
- NWPR1 - Newport, RI
- OBGN6 - Ogdensburg, NY
- OCIM2 - Ocean City Inlet, MD
- OSGN6 - Oswego, NY
- PDVR1 - Port of Davisville, RI
- PHBP1 - Philadelphia, PA
- PSBM1 - Eastport, ME
- PTCR1 - Potter Cove, Prudence Island, RI
- PVDR1 - Providence Visibility, RI
- QPTR1 - Quonset Point, RI
- RCRN6 - Rochester, NY
- RDYD1 - Reedy Point, DE
- ROBN4 - Robbins Reef, NJ
- RPLV2 - Rappahannock Light, VA
- SDHN4 - Sandy Hook, NJ
- SEIM1 - Seavey Island, ME
- SLIM2 - Solomons Island, MD
- SWPV2 - Sewells Point, VA
- TCBM2 - Tolchester Beach, MD
- TKPN6 - Turkey Point Hudson River NERRS, NY (NOS 8518962)
- TPLM2 - Thomas Point, MD
- WAHV2 - Wachapreague, VA
- WASD2 - Washington, DC
- WDSV2 - Willoughby Deguassing Station, VA
- WEXM1 - Laudholm Farm, Wells Reserve, ME
- YKTV2 - Yorktown USCG Training Center, VA
- YRSV2 - Taskinas Creek, Chesapeake Bay Reserve, VA