NDBC has recently revised the NDBC Handbook of Automated Data Quality Control Checks and Procedures. The new document can be found on our Publications page.
How are the hourly data files formatted and how can the files be used?
Hourly data files are extracted from the last 24 hours of "Realtime" data - data that went through automated quality checks and were distributed as soon as they were received. Missing data in the Realtime and Hourly data are denoted by “MM.”
Click on the Data description links below for a detail explanation of each Hourly file type.
Hourly files group all the Station ID's into a single file, then they are sorted by Station ID, Year, Month, Day, Hour and Minute over a 24 hour period. Example: View the Hourly file format below; hour_xx.adcp
The only except to sorting all the files listed in the Hourly2 directory is the hour_xx.adcp2 type files, the sort order is the same as above but with an addition Instrument (I) and Bin column that is sorted.
Access to Hourly Files
You can view the directory containing the hourly files here: Hourly files directory
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler - Ocean Current Data Files
The files are named: hour_xx.adcp (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN #YY MM DD hh mm DEP01 DIR01 SPD01 DEP02 DIR02 SPD02 DEP03 DIR03 SPD03 DEP04 DIR04 SPD04 DEP05 DIR05 SPD05 ... -Sub #yr mo dy hr mn m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s ... 41008 2010 01 15 00 00 2 297 7.6 3 289 9.2 4 281 11.3 5 276 11.1 6 277 10.6 ... 44037 2010 01 15 01 00 2 70 21 18 70 25 26 60 27 34 60 24 42 60 22 ... 44029 2010 01 15 02 00 2 60 3 10 150 8 14 160 8 18 160 9 22 160 9 ... The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour. Data description
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler - Ocean Current Data (Expanded ADCP format) Files
The files are named: hour_xx.adcp2 (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN #YY MM DD hh mm I Bin Depth Dir Speed ErrVl VerVl %Good3 %Good4 %GoodE EI1 EI2 EI3 EI4 CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 Flags -Sub #yr mo dy hr mn - - m degT cm/s cm/s cm/s % % % - - - - - - - - - 42362 2010 01 15 00 58 0 1 79.5 214 8.8 MM -2.4 100 0 0 0 201 195 194 MM 231 232 232 292393330 42362 2010 01 15 00 58 0 2 95.5 240 11.6 MM -0.3 100 0 0 0 199 192 189 MM 224 225 228 292393330 42362 2010 01 15 00 58 0 3 111.5 217 9.1 MM -3.5 100 0 0 0 194 188 181 MM 225 229 225 292393330 42362 2010 01 15 00 58 0 4 127.5 225 14.8 MM -1.3 100 0 0 0 191 185 176 MM 230 234 238 29239333 The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour. Data description
Standard Meteorological Files
The files are named: hour_xx.txt (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN YY MM DD hh mm WDIR WSPD GST WVHT DPD APD MWD PRES ATMP WTMP DEWP VIS PTDY TIDE #txt yr mo dy hr mn degT m/s m/s m sec sec deg hPa degC degC degC nmi hPa ft 41001 2010 01 15 00 50 320 10.0 12.0 4.5 11 MM MM 1017.0 15.5 19.0 7.9 MM +1.6 MM 41004 2010 01 15 00 50 130 1.0 2.0 0.4 9 6.6 MM 1026.5 14.1 18.4 7.6 MM +0.4 MM 41008 2010 01 15 00 50 10 2.0 3.0 0.5 8 5.2 MM 1026.2 10.3 10.6 MM MM +0.5 MM 42012 2010 01 15 00 50 90 4.0 6.0 0.5 4 3.3 83 1024.0 13.1 13.1 7.0 MM +1.1 MM The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour.Data description
Continuous Wind Files
The files are named: hour_xx.cwind (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN YY MM DD hh mm WDIR WSPD GDR GST GTIME #txt yr mo dy hr mn degT m/s degT m/s hhmm 41001 2010 01 15 00 50 320 9.8 320 17.0 0018 41001 2010 01 15 00 40 331 10.8 999 99.0 9999 41001 2010 01 15 00 30 333 12.4 999 99.0 9999 The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour. Data description
Oceanographic Data Files
The files are named: hour_xx.ocean (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN #YY MM DD hh mm DEPTH OTMP COND SAL O2% O2PPM CLCON TURB PH EH -Sub #yr mo dy hr mn m degC mS/cm psu % ppm ug/l FTU - mv ACQS1 2010 01 15 03 45 1.8 6.00 33.66 20.80 94.4 10.20 MM MM 8.10 MM ACQS1 2010 01 15 03 30 1.9 6.00 33.81 20.90 94.7 10.30 MM MM 8.10 MM ACQS1 2010 01 15 03 15 2.0 6.10 34.08 21.10 95.0 10.30 MM MM 8.20 MM ACQS1 2010 01 15 03 00 2.1 6.10 34.51 21.40 95.3 10.30 MM MM 8.20 MM The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour. Data description
Detailed Wave Summary Data Files
The files are named: hour_xx.spec (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN #YY MM DD hh mm WVHT SwH SwP WWH WWP SwD WWD STEEPNESS APD MWD -Sub #yr mo dy hr mn m m sec m sec - degT - sec degT 23020 2010 01 15 00 00 1.0 MM MM MM MM MM MM AVERAGE 5.4 150 32012 2010 01 15 00 00 2.5 MM MM MM MM MM MM STEEP 6.7 176 41004 2010 01 15 00 00 0.4 0.4 8.3 0.1 3.3 MM MM N/A 6.3 -99 41049 2010 01 15 00 00 2.7 2.1 11.4 1.6 6.7 N/A N/A SWELL 6.4 -99 42055 2010 01 15 00 00 1.8 0.0 0.0 1.8 5.6 N/A N/A VERY_STEEP 4.7 -99 The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour. Data description
Solar Radiation Data Files
The files are named: hour_xx.srad (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN #YY MM DD hh mm SRAD1 SWRAD LWRAD -Sub #yr mo dy hr mn w/m2 w/m2 w/m2 32ST0 2010 01 15 04 00 MM 2.0 397.0 41NT0 2010 01 15 04 00 MM 1.0 378.0 51WH0 2010 01 15 04 00 MM 7.0 MM The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour. Data description
Supplemental Measurements Data Files
The files are named: hour_xx.supl (where xx is the two digit GMT hour (00 ... 23)
The files have a main and a secondary line header of the form:
#STN #YY MM DD hh mm PRES PTIME WSPD WDIR WTIME -Sub #yr mo dy hr mn hPa hhmm m/s degT hhmm 41040 2010 01 15 03 00 MM MM 6.3 66 0241 41043 2010 01 15 03 00 MM MM 10.7 32 0228 LPRP4 2010 01 15 03 00 1017.7 0300 1.4 348 0253 SRBV3 2010 01 15 03 00 1017.6 0214 8.1 58 0215 The data that follows the header line are the measurement data for that hour for all stations (STN) that reported observations for that hour. Data description