NDBC has recently revised the NDBC Handbook of Automated Data Quality Control Checks and Procedures. The new document can be found on our Publications page.

Station List

Click on the station ID code to gain access to station data and information.

National Data Buoy Center Stations

1801583 1801589 1801593 21413 21414 21415 21416 21417 21418 21419 21420 32301 32302 32411 32412 32413 32D12 32D13 41001 41002 41003 41004 41005 41006 41007 41008 41009 41010 41011 41012 41013 41015 41016 41017 41018 41021 41022 41023 41025 41035 41036 41040 41041 41043 41044 41046 41047 41048 41049 41420 41421 41424 41425 41A46 41B41 41D20 41S43 41S46 42001 42002 42003 42004 42005 42006 42007 42008 42009 42010 42011 42012 42015 42016 42017 42018 42019 42020 42025 42035 42036 42037 42038 42039 42040 42041 42042 42053 42054 42055 42056 42057 42058 42059 42060 42065 42080 42407 42408 42409 42429 42501 42503 42534 43412 43413 44001 44003 44004 44005 44006 44007 44008 44009 44010 44011 44012 44013 44014 44015 44017 44018 44019 44020 44023 44025 44026 44027 44028 44065 44066 44070 44071 44401 44402 44403 44585 45001 45002 45003 45004 45005 45006 45007 45008 45009 45010 45011 45012 46001 46002 46003 46005 46006 46007 46008 46009 46010 46011 46012 46013 46014 46015 46016 46017 46018 46019 46020 46021 46022 46023 46024 46025 46026 46027 46028 46029 46030 46031 46032 46033 46034 46035 46037 46038 46039 46040 46041 46042 46043 46045 46047 46048 46050 46051 46053 46054 46059 46060 46061 46062 46063 46066 46069 46070 46071 46072 46073 46075 46076 46077 46078 46079 46080 46081 46082 46083 46084 46085 46086 46087 46088 46089 46090 46105 46106 46107 46115 46270 46290 46401 46402 46403 46404 46405 46406 46407 46408 46409 46410 46411 46412 46413 46414 46415 46416 46419 46490 46551 46553 46779 46780 46781 46782 46785 46B35 46D04 48011 51000 51001 51002 51003 51004 51005 51026 51027 51028 51100 51101 51406 51407 51425 51426 51542 52009 52401 52402 52403 52404 52405 52406 52D06 54401 91204 91222 91251 91328 91338 91343 91352 91355 91356 91365 91374 91377 91411 91442 ABAN6 ALRF1 ALSN6 AMAA2 AUGA2 BLIA2 BURL1 BUSL1 BUZM3 CARO3 CDRF1 CHLV2 CLKN7 CSBF1 DBLN6 DESW1 DISW3 DPIA1 DRFA2 DRYF1 DSLN7 DUCN7 EB01 EB10 EB31 EB32 EB33 EB35 EB36 EB43 EB52 EB53 EB61 EB62 EB70 EB90 EB91 EB92 FARP2 FBIS1 FFIA2 FILA2 FPSN7 FWYF1 GBCL1 GDIL1 GLLN6 IOSN3 KTNF1 LNEL1 LONF1 LPOI1 MDRM1 MISM1 MLRF1 MPCL1 MRKA2 NWPO3 PILA2 PILM4 PLSF1 POTA2 PTAC1 PTAT2 PTGC1 ROAM4 SANF1 SAUF1 SBIO1 SGNW3 SGOF1 SISW1 SJLF1 SMKF1 SPGF1 SRST2 STDM4 SUPN6 SVLS1 THIN6 TPLM2 TTIW1 VENF1 WPOW1

Alaska Ocean Observing System Stations

AOML Stations

APL-UW, University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory Stations

Australian Bureau of Meteorology Stations

Australian Integrated Marine Observing System Stations


Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center Stations

California Polytechnic State University Stations

California State University, East Bay Stations

Caribbean Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing System (CarICoos) Stations

CaroCOOPS Stations

Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System Stations

Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System (CBIBS) Stations

Chesapeake Biological Lab Stations

Chicago Park District Stations

Cleveland Water Alliance Stations

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission Stations

COMPS (University of South Florida) Stations

Conrad Blucher Institute (CBI) for Surveying and Science, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Stations

Cooperative Effort DART 4G Stations

CORIE Stations

CORMP Stations

Dalhousie University Stations


Dauphin Island Sea Lab Stations

Delaware Coastal Management Program Stations

DIMAR Colombia Stations

DIMAR Colombia - CCCP Stations

Environment and Climate Change Canada Stations

EPA & Mexican Government Cooperative Program Stations

Esso Petroleum, Australia Stations

Everglades National Park Stations

Federal Aviation Administration Stations

Florida Institute of Technology Stations

GLERL Stations

Great Lakes Water Authority Stations

Greater Tampa Bay Marine Advisory Council-PORTS Stations

Humboldt State University Stations

Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy (SHOA) Stations

Icelandic Maritime Administration Stations

Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Stations

Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant and Purdue Civil Engineering Stations

Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services INDIA Stations

Indonesian Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Stations

INPE Brazil Stations

Instituto Oceanografico y Antartico de la Armada (INOCAR) Stations

Integrated Coral Observing Network (ICON) Stations

Intellicheck Mobilisa Stations

Japanese Meteorological Agency Stations

King Abdullah University for Science and Tech (KAUST) Stations

Korean Meteorological Administration Stations

Limno Tech Stations

Long Island Ferry Stations

Louisiana Offshore Oil Port Stations

LSU CSI Stations

LUMCON Stations

Marine Exchange of Alaska Stations

Mariner Energy Inc. Stations

MBARI Stations

Met Eireann Stations

Meteo France Stations

Meteorological Dept, States of Jersey Stations

Michigan Technological University Stations

Mississippi State University Stations

Moss Landing Marine Lab Stations

MOTE Marine Stations


MYSOUND Stations

National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC), Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Ministry of the Interior, Thailand Stations

National Estuarine Research Reserve System Stations

National Institute for Ocean Technology INDIA Stations

National Marine Fisheries Service Stations

National Park Service - Lake Mead National Recreation Area Stations

National Park Service - Sleeping Bear Dunes Stations

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Stations

NC-COOS Stations

New Zealand National Emergency Management Agency by Te Pu Ao GNS Science and NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi Stations


NOAA/PMEL Stations

North Carolina State University Stations


Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems Stations

Northern Michigan University Stations

Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems Stations

Northwestern Michigan College Stations

NOS Stations

NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative Stations

NWS Alaska Region Stations

NWS Central Region Stations

NWS Eastern Region Stations

NWS Pacific Region Stations


NWS Southern Region Stations


NWS Western Region Stations


Oregon Coastal Ocean Observing System Stations


Oregon State Stations


Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System Stations

Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Atlantic Stations

Private Industry Oil Platform Stations

Puerto Rico Seismic Network Stations

Raytheon Stations


Regional Science Consortium Stations

Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction Stations

Russian HYDROMET Stations

Rutgers Stations


Salmon Unlimited Wisconsin Stations

San Francisco State Stations


SCCOOS Stations

SCRIPPS Stations

Shell Arctic Stations

Shell Oil Stations

Skidaway Stations

South Carolina Nearshore Monitoring System Stations

State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry Stations


Statoil Hydro Stations

Stevens Stations

Stony Brook University Stations

SUNY Plattsburgh Center for Earth and Environmental Science/Lake Champlain Research Institute Stations

Superior Watershed Partnership Stations

TABS Stations

TCOON Stations

Terra Ceia Aquatic Preserve Stations

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Stations

U.S. Navy Stations

U.S. Navy and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Stations

U.S.C.G. Marine Reporting Stations Stations

UK Met Office Stations

UNC Coastal Studies Institute Stations

UNH/Oscilla Power/UW-APL Stations

United States Geological Survey Stations


University of Alaska, Fairbanks Stations

University of California Davis, Bodega Marine Laboratory Stations

University of Delaware Stations


University of Georgia Stations


University of Hawaii Stations

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Stations

University of Maine Stations


University of Maryland Horn Point Laboratory Stations

University of Massachusetts Stations


University of Michigan Stations

University of Michigan CILER Stations

University of Minnesota, Duluth Stations

University of New Hampshire Stations

University of North Carolina Stations

University of Washington Stations

University of Washington - APL Stations


University of Washington/iRobot Stations


University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension Stations

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Stations

USM Stations

USM High Resolution Sensor Network Stations


Vermont EPSCOR Stations

Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy Stations

Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) Stations

Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary Stations


Woods Hole Group/NERACOOS Stations

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Stations