NDBC has recently revised the NDBC Handbook of Automated Data Quality Control Checks and Procedures. The new document can be found on our Publications page.
Important NDBC Web Site Changes
NDBC is making several format changes to the headers of its web data files. Note! These changes apply to the data files, not the station page's current observations listing! Click the Customer Survey link at the bottom of this page to give feedback on the changes.
1. A "#" sign starts header or other metadata lines (April 10th, 2007).
This will facilitate having a second header line for units of measurement (see below) and other lines interspersed in the data for significant changes in metadata, such as a station position change.
2. Column headings were standardized (April 10th, 2007).
Some columns for the same measurement had different headings, depending on which data group they were in. For example, the column heading for air pressure was PRES in one list and BARO in another. PRES will be the standard for air pressure, APD will be the standard for Average Wave Period, WVHT will be the standard for Significant Wave Height, GST will be the standard for wind Gust speed.
3. A second header line was added to specify units of measurement (April 10th, 2007).
The 5-day and 45-day realtime data files will be modified to include a second header line that specifies the unit of measure for each column. Generally, the units in the data files are different than the units on the station pages, which has caused misinterpretation. Note! The units are not changing - we are just adding information about the units. Raw spectral wave data files will not have the second header, as these raw data are unitless. See Measurement Descriptions and Units for more information on the units of measure used on the NDBC web site.
NOTE! This year's monthly historical files will use the new format, beginning with the 2007 January files. Prior year historical files will remain in the old format!
Example of standard met data file/list#YY MM DD hh mm WDIR WSPD GST WVHT DPD APD MWD PRES ATMP WTMP DEWP VIS PTDY TIDE #yr mo dy hr mn degT m/s m/s m sec sec degT hPa degC degC degC mi hPa ft 2007 04 15 13 50 120 4.0 6.0 0.4 3 MM MM 1023.4 20.6 22.5 10.8 MM +1.7 MM 2007 04 15 12 50 140 4.0 5.0 0.4 4 MM MM 1023.0 20.4 22.4 10.3 MM +1.7 MM 2007 04 15 11 50 120 5.0 6.0 0.4 3 MM MM 1022.1 20.0 22.4 10.9 MM +0.6 MMExample of continuous wind data format file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm WDIR WSPD GDR GST GTIME #yr mo dy hr mn degT m/s degT m/s hhmm 2007 03 05 06 20 314 8.0 320 10.0 0604 2007 03 05 06 10 315 7.8 999 99.0 9999 2007 03 05 06 00 314 7.8 999 99.0 9999Example of wave summary data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm WVHT SwH SwP WWH WWP SwD WWD STEEPNESS APD MWD #yr mo dy hr mn m m sec m sec - degT - sec degT 2007 03 05 05 32 1.5 0.5 11.0 1.5 9.0 W MM AVERAGE MM -99 2007 03 05 05 02 1.5 1.0 11.0 1.5 9.0 WNW MM AVERAGE MM -99Example of raw wave spectra data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm Sep_Freq < spec_1 (freq_1) spec_2 (freq_2) spec_3 (freq_3) ... > 2007 03 05 06 30 0.143 0.000 (0.033) 0.000 (0.037) 0.000 (0.043) 0.000 (0.048) 0.000 (0.053) 0.000 (0.058) 0.000 (0.062) 0.000 (0.068) 0.000 (0.073) 0.000 (0.077) 0.000 (0.083) 0.000 (0.087) 0.000 (0.092) 0.000 (0.100) 0.000 (0.110) 0.199 (0.120) 0.176 (0.130) 0.796 (0.140) 0.550 (0.150) 0.374 (0.160) 0.702 (0.170) 0.842 (0.180) 0.527 (0.190) 0.562 (0.200) 0.725 (0.210) 0.702 (0.220) 0.761 (0.230) 0.667 (0.240) 1.170 (0.250) 0.538 (0.260) 0.679 (0.270) 0.351 (0.280) 0.421 (0.290) 0.339 (0.300) 0.304 (0.310) 0.117 (0.320) 0.152 (0.330) 0.140 (0.340) 0.105 (0.350) 0.070 (0.365) 0.105 (0.385) 0.035 (0.405) 0.047 (0.425) 0.012 (0.445) 0.012 (0.465) 0.000 (0.485)Example of raw spectral wave (alpha1) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm alpha1_1 (freq_1) alpha1_2 (freq_2) alpha1_3 (freq_3) ... > 2007 03 05 06 30 999.0 (0.033) 999.0 (0.037) 999.0 (0.043) 999.0 (0.048) 999.0 (0.053) 999.0 (0.058) 999.0 (0.062) 999.0 (0.068) 999.0 (0.073) 999.0 (0.077) 999.0 (0.083) 999.0 (0.087) 999.0 (0.092) 296.0 (0.100) 144.0 (0.110) 204.0 (0.120) 188.0 (0.130) 192.0 (0.140) 196.0 (0.150) 200.0 (0.160) 216.0 (0.170) 216.0 (0.180) 232.0 (0.190) 264.0 (0.200) 320.0 (0.210) 328.0 (0.220) 320.0 (0.230) 324.0 (0.240) 316.0 (0.250) 316.0 (0.260) 324.0 (0.270) 320.0 (0.280) 312.0 (0.290) 324.0 (0.300) 324.0 (0.310) 312.0 (0.320) 328.0 (0.330) 312.0 (0.340) 336.0 (0.350) 332.0 (0.365) 312.0 (0.385) 340.0 (0.405) 336.0 (0.425) 328.0 (0.445) 316.0 (0.465) 340.0 (0.485)Example of raw spectral wave (alpha2) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm alpha2_1 (freq_1) alpha2_2 (freq_2) alpha2_3 (freq_3) ... > 2007 03 05 06 30 999.0 (0.033) 999.0 (0.037) 999.0 (0.043) 999.0 (0.048) 999.0 (0.053) 999.0 (0.058) 999.0 (0.062) 999.0 (0.068) 999.0 (0.073) 999.0 (0.077) 999.0 (0.083) 999.0 (0.087) 999.0 (0.092) 208.0 (0.100) 144.0 (0.110) 180.0 (0.120) 184.0 (0.130) 176.0 (0.140) 196.0 (0.150) 200.0 (0.160) 216.0 (0.170) 212.0 (0.180) 196.0 (0.190) 276.0 (0.200) 328.0 (0.210) 336.0 (0.220) 328.0 (0.230) 328.0 (0.240) 312.0 (0.250) 320.0 (0.260) 324.0 (0.270) 316.0 (0.280) 320.0 (0.290) 324.0 (0.300) 320.0 (0.310) 312.0 (0.320) 328.0 (0.330) 308.0 (0.340) 340.0 (0.350) 336.0 (0.365) 304.0 (0.385) 4.0 (0.405) 8.0 (0.425) 316.0 (0.445) 300.0 (0.465) 348.0 (0.485)Example of raw spectral wave (r1) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm r1_1 (freq_1) r1_2 (freq_2) r1_3 (freq_3) ... > 2007 03 05 06 30 999.00 (0.033) 999.00 (0.037) 999.00 (0.043) 999.00 (0.048) 999.00 (0.053) 999.00 (0.058) 999.00 (0.062) 999.00 (0.068) 999.00 (0.073) 999.00 (0.077) 999.00 (0.083) 999.00 (0.087) 999.00 (0.092) 0.30 (0.100) 0.33 (0.110) 0.56 (0.120) 0.81 (0.130) 0.72 (0.140) 0.87 (0.150) 0.94 (0.160) 0.91 (0.170) 0.81 (0.180) 0.59 (0.190) 0.63 (0.200) 0.81 (0.210) 0.81 (0.220) 0.84 (0.230) 0.89 (0.240) 0.86 (0.250) 0.76 (0.260) 0.91 (0.270) 0.80 (0.280) 0.78 (0.290) 0.91 (0.300) 0.70 (0.310) 0.91 (0.320) 0.77 (0.330) 0.76 (0.340) 0.78 (0.350) 0.84 (0.365) 0.80 (0.385) 0.64 (0.405) 0.64 (0.425) 0.68 (0.445) 0.67 (0.465) 0.74 (0.485)Example of raw spectral wave (r2) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm r2_1 (freq_1) r2_2 (freq_2) r2_3 (freq_3) ... > 2007 03 05 06 30 999.00 (0.033) 999.00 (0.037) 999.00 (0.043) 999.00 (0.048) 999.00 (0.053) 999.00 (0.058) 999.00 (0.062) 999.00 (0.068) 999.00 (0.073) 999.00 (0.077) 999.00 (0.083) 999.00 (0.087) 999.00 (0.092) 0.11 (0.100) 0.41 (0.110) 0.42 (0.120) 0.67 (0.130) 0.45 (0.140) 0.69 (0.150) 0.84 (0.160) 0.76 (0.170) 0.69 (0.180) 0.34 (0.190) 0.20 (0.200) 0.62 (0.210) 0.60 (0.220) 0.58 (0.230) 0.72 (0.240) 0.56 (0.250) 0.38 (0.260) 0.73 (0.270) 0.42 (0.280) 0.40 (0.290) 0.76 (0.300) 0.20 (0.310) 0.73 (0.320) 0.38 (0.330) 0.34 (0.340) 0.39 (0.350) 0.59 (0.365) 0.45 (0.385) 0.32 (0.405) 0.20 (0.425) 0.16 (0.445) 0.08 (0.465) 0.42 (0.485)Example of oceanographic data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm DEPTH OTMP COND SAL O2% O2PPM CLCON TURB PH EH #yr mo dy hr mn m degC mS/cm psu % ppm ug/l FTU - mv 2007 04 27 11 00 2 25.13 55.18 36.45 33.1 2.21 0.06 MM 0.00 98.28 2007 04 27 10 00 2 25.15 55.27 36.45 33.3 2.22 0.06 MM 0.00 95.93 2007 04 27 09 00 2 25.15 55.37 36.45 33.3 2.21 0.06 MM 0.00 94.80Example of solar radiation data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm SRAD1 SWRAD LWRAD #yr mo dy hr mn w/m2 w/m2 w/m2 2007 03 05 06 30 0.0 MM MM 2007 03 05 06 00 0.0 MM MMExample of DART data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm ss T HEIGHT #yr mo dy hr mn s - m 2007 03 05 06 00 00 1 5842.604 2007 03 05 05 45 00 1 5842.586 2007 03 05 05 30 00 1 5842.566Example of ocean current (adcp) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm DEP01 DIR01 SPD01 DEP02 DIR02 SPD02 DEP03 DIR03 SPD03 DEP04 DIR04 SPD04 DEP05 DIR05 SPD05 DEP06 DIR06 SPD06 DEP07 DIR07 SPD07 DEP08 DIR08 SPD08 DEP09 DIR09 SPD09 DEP10 DIR10 SPD10 DEP11 DIR11 SPD11 DEP12 DIR12 SPD12 DEP13 DIR13 SPD13 DEP14 DIR14 SPD14 DEP15 DIR15 SPD15 DEP16 DIR16 SPD16 DEP17 DIR17 SPD17 DEP18 DIR18 SPD18 DEP19 DIR19 SPD19 DEP20 DIR20 SPD20 #yr mo dy hr mn m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s m degT cm/s 2007 03 05 06 30 2 150 7 3 160 7 5 180 6 7 180 7 9 190 7 11 200 8 13 210 8 15 210 8 17 210 9 19 210 9 21 210 9 23 220 9 25 230 8 27 180 2Example of expanded ocean current (adcp2) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm I Bin Depth Dir Speed ErrVl VerVl %Good3 %Good4 %GoodE EI1 EI2 EI3 EI4 CM1 CM2 CM3 CM4 Flags #yr mo dy hr mn - - m degT cm/s cm/s cm/s % % % - - - - - - - - - 2007 03 05 06 20 0 1 51.0 97 12.6 -0.5 -3.5 99 99 99 224 220 216 227 0 0 0 0 133313330Example of hourly rain data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm ACCUM #yr mo dy hr mn mm 2007 03 05 04 30 0.0 2007 03 05 03 30 0.0 2007 03 05 02 30 0.0Example of 10 minute rain (rain10) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm RATE #yr mo dy hr mn mm/h 2007 03 05 05 30 0.0 2007 03 05 05 20 0.0 2007 03 05 05 10 0.0Example of 24 hour rain (rain24) data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm RATE PCT SDEV #yr mo dy hr mn mm/h % - 2007 03 04 12 00 0.0 0.0 0.0 2007 03 03 12 00 0.0 0.0 0.0Example of derived meteorological data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm CHILL HEAT ICE WSPD10 WSPD20 #yr mo dy hr mn degC degC in/hr m/s m/s 2007 03 05 20 50 MM MM MM 8 8 2007 03 05 19 50 MM MM MM 9 9 2007 03 05 18 50 MM MM MM 8 9Example of PIRATA and drifter data files/list
#YY MM DD hhmm LAT LON WDIR WSPD GST PRES PTDY ATMP WTMP #yr mo dy hrmn deg deg degT m/s m/s hPa hPa degC degC 2007 03 06 1700 11.50 -38.01 040 9.3 MM MM MM 25.0 25.1 2007 03 06 1600 11.50 -38.02 040 9.3 MM MM MM 24.9 25.1 2007 03 06 1400 11.50 -38.03 050 8.8 MM MM MM 25.0 25.1Example of supplemental data file/list
#YY MM DD hh mm PRES PTIME WSPD WDIR WTIME #yr mo dy hr mn hPa hhmm m/s degT hhmm 2007 03 06 12 00 MM MM 10.0 44 1145 2007 03 06 11 00 MM MM 10.0 33 1037 2007 03 06 10 00 MM MM 10.5 40 0945Example of ship obs data file/list
#SHIP_ID YY MM DD hh LAT LON WDIR WSPD GST WVHT DPD APD MWD PRES ATMP WTMP DEWP VIS PTDY TCC S1HT S1PD S1DIR S2HT S2PD S2DIR II IE IR IC IS Ib ID Iz #station yr mo dy hr deg deg degT m/s m/s m sec sec degT hPa degC degC degC mi hPa 8th m sec degT m sec degT - - - - - - - - SHIP 2007 03 05 21 71.6 22.5 190 15.0 MM 2.1 5 MM MM 1017.9 -0.5 MM -6.9 MM -1.2 MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 46633 2007 03 05 21 44.3 -131.3 MM MM MM MM MM MM MM 1010.5 MM 9.8 MM MM -1.1 MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM